2 definitions by kickingwithyou

Known to be quite the buzzkills, often digressing from the main point of discussion to fulfill their need to correct grammatical errors and typos, mostly in a condescending tone. However, their rising population suggests that they are charming the pants off each other, their loins warmed by the idea of impeccable grammar, while pissing everyone else off.
Here, you can see, a Grammar Nazi in his natural habitat, mating with his lover in the widely popular Oxford Comma position.
by kickingwithyou May 13, 2016
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The only reason why you drag your ass out of bed in the morning, and then bitch about how you're not getting enough education out of the system.
Attendance is a bitch. Education is a bitch. Life is a bitch. You are a bitch.
by kickingwithyou May 13, 2016
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