18 definitions by kevnar

The temporary amnesia you get when texting someone with a question or comment, and having them reply several hours or days, long after you've forgotten what it was you asked them. This also works in chat conversations where the person replies long after you closed the chat window.
Jack: Wanna check out that show on Friday? They got a two for one in the paper today.

Dana (three days later): Sure but I didn't get the paper.

Jack: Huh? What paper? Sorry. Textnesia.
by kevnar April 11, 2008
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(noun) Synonymous with booty call and FWB, a girl who you're not in a relationship with, but who will drop everything and come over to have sex with you the minute you ask. She is said to be standing-by, just waiting for your call, shelved as it were. A stand-by is usually a girl who really likes you and wants to be in a relationship with you, and keeps putting out, hoping you'll change your mind, and you just keep stringing her along for the easy sex. Women can have stand-bys too, but its usually more about dating than sex for them.
1. Daniel: "Man, am I ever horny tonight!"
Jonas: "Don't you have any stand-bys? Call up that Andrea chick. She'll come over and do you."

2. Krista: "I have no one to go to the dance with on Friday!"
Marie: "Call Keith. Isn't he your regular stand-by?"
by kevnar February 16, 2007
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Pronounced B'Yawesome. Stands for Beyond Awesome. From Disney's Bolt where Rhino the Hamster is cheering himself on into the echoey air duct.
Rhino: "Rhino is awesome...He's so awesome... He's beyond awesome, he's... b'awesome! Hahahahaha!"
by kevnar July 22, 2009
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From Forest Gump. Said to someone who predicted or promised something that never quite showed up, as in the mountains of shrimp Forest prayed for. The implication is that it may show up yet, but you doubt it.
Robert: "You said it was supposed to be sunny today? Where the hell's this god of yours?"

John: "You gotta see this guitar player, man! He's like better than Jimmy Page!"
Tim (forty-five minutes later): "Where the hell's this god of yours?""
by kevnar January 29, 2008
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