7 definitions by kerrie

out yer trolly or totaly pissed
oh my god i was rubbered last night
by kerrie April 7, 2005
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A nicer way to say not-so-nice things.
Some kind of gook that appears in a strange place.
Holy Crud, he stole my cap!, Crud, my nose hurts.
EW! There's some funky crud in here!
by kerrie July 5, 2004
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just like ironic, only with an "al" because A) it sounds better and B) it's used in catcher in the rye so it must be a good enough word for me to use every day because i do anyways cause it sounds like a friggin' word.
how ironical!
by kerrie December 15, 2003
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She the most beautiful woman in the world, she’s full of herself, she loves unconditionally and she is a very kind hearted person Quenzel is a name for someone who’s independent and work towards there dreams
Oh dam is that Quenzel wow 🤩
by kerrie November 23, 2021
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to do the dirty under the covers when nobody is watching
Yo man, me and veronica totally SHAMPOOED last night!
by kerrie March 16, 2005
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