12 definitions by kero frangipani pants

A person, usually a female ranging from ages 18-46 with a moderately high income, who goes into any retail establishment intent upon stealing something without getting put in jail or paying a cent. Said person tends to be a MILF with a tude that is unleashed upon unsuspecting salespeople or waitstaff at the first sign of not being able to buy something for free.

No matter how accommodating or kind you are to the person, they will lie to the salesperson/waitstaff and associates, lie to their families and friends, and lie to management, to get their item or meal for free or much less. Their reasons do not always make sense and seem to be pulled out of the ass.

They act offended as possible and would steal the item/meal outright if not for the fear of getting caught. Some might actually do it anyway.

Some, especially the noobs, can be discouraged with kindness and evident practice of good work ethic, but all are encouraged by rudeness, so beware: do not be rude.

1. Watch out for that MILFing billstiff; she finds ways to get everything in this store for free....

2. Did you see the way she billstiffed Zack on a $250 hairstyle? I won't be taking her order next time she comes in....
by kero frangipani pants February 5, 2009
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A polite acronym for "couldn't be arsed."

Synonyms: "tough," "tough shit," "I guess you're SOL," "couldn't care less."

1. Mel: "Are you going to sew your own costumes or buy them readymade for the Twilight party?"

Kay: "CBA."

by kero frangipani pants February 8, 2009
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Something so gorgeous, it causes the body to react in a happy, generally swollen, manner.
"Did you see that engorgeous model...?"
by kero frangipani pants February 7, 2009
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Origin: Wee + angle + ugly.

Young, excessively thin female or male who has an ugly, entitled attitude and a tendency to be a chronic billstiff.

Alternative: Older, excessively thin female or male with an ugly, entitled attitude who has a tendency to be a chronic billstiff.
1. The wangly teens meandered through the mall, billstiffing cola vendors, jewelry counters, and cell phone kiosks.

2. "Jill, watch out for the wangly blonde in Toys. She was saying she might buy cell phones with data plans for her eight-year-old kids...."
by kero frangipani pants February 6, 2009
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Slang term meaning a person has no courage or they are sackless.

Also means a man who has no testicles.
A man who won't stand up for himself, his family, and his friends has no cojones.
by kero frangipani pants February 9, 2009
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A person who enters a thrift store with full intent to shoplift any items that will fit in their pockets and purses. They may even steal a purse and put stuff in it.

A low form of shoplifter who will go into any store and steal the floor tiles if they're not tacked down well enough.
1. "Did you see that girl in Electronics? She was putting a surge protector in her purse! WTF? She'd be a thrift store robber, that one."

2. Stacy was kicked out of the thrift shop for stealing all the clothes instead of putting them away; what a thrift store robber.
by kero frangipani pants February 6, 2009
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Derived from "shit eating grin" + "sherlock holmes".

A smile one gives to another person when knowing something that other person might wish to know, but doesn't.

A smug, slightly ugly smile usually given by a wanker, backstabber, or biatch. The person smiling may even look as if they wish to say, "It's no shit, Sherlock...that you're going down."
Lily: "Uh oh, Kayla.... Did you see Missy's shitlock smile? You'd better watch your back."

Kayla: "Well naturally the brown stuff has to run off the nose down to the mouth...."

by kero frangipani pants February 8, 2009
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