1 definition by kellylizzz.=p.

a place you cant wait to go to
but when you get there you wish you could just fuck it all and go somewhere else.
For grades 6-8 or 7-8
supposed to prepare you for high school
but doesnt.
you prettty much spend all day talking, unless you have the shitty teachers that actually make you work
filled with skanky little girls
and horny little boys.
people actually expect to have fun in middle school, but if you are mature at all, you hate it with a passion.
this is the time where everyone thinks they know it all and are sooo mature, when they are really less mature than they were in elementary school.
Drugs are often tried, mostly pot.
The main groups at my middle school were....

Preps: The hollister hoes who think theyre better than everyone else and are rich and talk about the brand of clothes theyre wearing and how much money their parents have.

Emo: the group of kids that used to be labeled goth, but cut themselves.

Scene: The half prep half emo kids, almost ALWAYS myspace whores. Wear bright colors and funky hair trying to be "different" when really they are just the same as every scene kid.

Stoners: Often haters of preps, do drugs, mostly pot...quite often. Skaters most times, and guys mostly too. The scene girls often date them ,and in turn become stoners.

theres more but labels can fuck themselves so whatever haha
at my school theres pioneer day
a day souly for the guys enjoyment.
The girls dress up as slutty ass saloon girls with their boobs hanging out and legs showing
Guys dress as cowboys...and indians and often check out the sluts walking by.

as you can see middle school is weird.
it sucks
dont go there if you dont have to
if youve been and actually enjoyed that shit, your messed up :)
uffda:Hey kimmy, your about to go into middle school are you excited?
kimmy: OHH YESS, its gonna be totally amazing, were gonna be teenagers :)))
now kimmy is in 8th grade
Beffle: so kimmy, how do you like being in middle school?
kimmy: it sucks, the people are rude and concieted, the teachers are old and fucking mean, drama is everywhere, the guys are too scared to do anything when they like you, and life pretty much sucks.
Beffle: sounds like middle school to me, dont worry high school will be better :)
by kellylizzz.=p. May 5, 2008
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