5 definitions by keith1234567890wryyrueueu

when someone very nice either gets a a large sum of money or becomes a manager and becomes a douche bag where you want to tell them off but cannot due to their status in life
John: ever since our friend got that manager position, he has become an asshole

Sam: yeah, he just became a douchetastorphy over night
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When you take a dump so big that it changes the way you think about life. Or if while taking a dump, you decide to change your life for the good.
Man, while I was In the bathroom, I decided to go back to school. That dump was life changing for me!!
by keith1234567890wryyrueueu April 28, 2011
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Being a total asshole without any disreguard
John: man, this customer was really mean

Ash: Was he a douche rocket?

John: yea
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When a 3-11 douchebags are in the same room, it becomes a douche powow. Also applies to dickhead bosses.
Dude, wheres our boss?

He's in a douche powow with the owner and several higher ups
by keith1234567890wryyrueueu February 14, 2011
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A meeting with 3-12 bosses who are lazy and are douchbags
Where's our boss?

He is with the president and other higher ups in a Douche powow
by keith1234567890wryyrueueu February 20, 2011
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