7 definitions by kdawwwgggy

That awkward process of simultaneously publishing **amazing** scientific articles and realizing you still have literally zero chance at any career...ever. It is widely considered the realistic variant of the commonly known "publish or perish".
Kevin: I just published another paper in a highly reputable journal!!
Aleks: Oh...that's nice. So here is the $23.95 for the pizza...
Kevin: What about my tip!?
Aleks: Uhhh, uhhh....see you next week! **slams door**
Kevin: Gawd dammit!! I need a new job... #gradstudentproblems #pizzadeliveryproblems
--- Three hours later ---
Aleks: Poor, poor Kevin. Publish and perish, indeed...
by kdawwwgggy October 2, 2018
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Basically "Bitch, Please", but with respect to le one and only Bryant...
Bryant: "I am Bryant and I am z'mart!"
Kevin: "bryant, plz..."
by kdawwwgggy December 21, 2020
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The Corpsveau is a mythical cross-bred creature that is half snake and half crow. While the origin story of the very first corpsveau is yet a mystery, legend has it that it first spontaneously emerged as the result of a poor translation between the words "snake", "raven", and "corbeau" which instantaneously breathed life into the first of its kind.

Conveniently, the etymology of the creature also conveniently lends utility to indicating one's equivalent interest in their lover's body and mind through the compounding of "corps" and "cerveau" (trans. French).

A group of corpsveaux is known as an "unibroue".

At times, one can feel an unibroue of corpsveaux brewing within oneself when overwhelmed with feelings of love and affection for another; this is typically mistaken to be kaleidoscope of butterflies.

The corspveau is perpetually pissed off, mostly as the results of it's unfortunate (alleged) origin story, which, ironically lends to its charm. The corpsveau is a beautifully paradoxical creature; hopefully you will have the pleasure of their company before La Fin du Monde.
@46.743882, -71.456396
Oras: "Hey Kevin..."
Kevin: "oui?"
Oras: "J'aime ton Corpsveau!"
Kevin: "Oh!" **experiences a unibroue of corpsveau**
by kdawwwgggy February 25, 2021
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Cloak/Cardigan: A friggen long-ass cardigan!
Kevin: Nadia, is that a cloak? or a cardigan?
Nadia: It's a Cloakardigan, you n00b...
by kdawwwgggy September 24, 2018
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An expert in the study, research, or application of pair-wise data. Pairs can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or comprise n-dimensional connections.
Faculty Selection Committee: "So Kevin, it seems that much of your research has to do with pair-wise data like protein-protein interaction prediction or user-movie regression problems."
Kevin: "Yes, that is correct! I am a pairist."
by kdawwwgggy September 7, 2020
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The Renaissance of Science which will occur within this century. Due to the overwhelming politicisation of science, at some point within this century, a revolution of the scientific community will occur. This will be the Renaiscience!
Kevin: Hey Francois, what the hell is up with scientists these days!?
Francois: Didnt you hear!? This is the Renaiscience! The scientific community is fed up with all the bullshit and is returning to its roots. Some genius guy foretold this very moment many many years ago! Vive la resistscience!
by kdawwwgggy September 28, 2018
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Counter-expression in response to an overly bourgeois ("bougie") statement related to a plebeian task. It implies that the offending "bougie bitch" should get off their high horse and actually try to do the task themselves.
BougieBitch: "Ughhhh, I can't park my Porche in my 12-car garage because it isn't programmed to my garage door opener. I should get the mechanic to set this up..."
PlebeFriend: "bitch, plebe. Here is your car manual..."
by kdawwwgggy January 13, 2019
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