24 definitions by kd

Whan a little vomit comes up in your mouth and you swallow it back down.
When I saw hj's chaloobies I bluked.
by kd September 27, 2004
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A street name in the Greater Toronto Area. Whether its to short or to long, is up to you ;P
She went up and down Hiscock looking for the right place to stop.
by kd March 5, 2004
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I had the best gobi dish for lunch.
by kd October 19, 2004
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a small person. best used on people younger than you
hey, shut up squirt!
by kd June 9, 2003
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it doesnt really mean anything but its a goddam cool word. usually means "nothing"
you aint gettin diddleysquat!
by kd June 9, 2003
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A loser without a clue. You will be making fun of him and he won't get it. He will think that you are friends. You will avoid him at all costs.
That GBFR said he could go to Chicago real easy so I disconnected the phone, moved my car, turned out the lights and locked the door.
by kd October 22, 2004
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