14 definitions by k8

A slutty girl that wears vaseline and/or has friends that look like guys
God have you seen her lips? What a TBorg
by k8 September 8, 2003
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A really cool or good looking guy, comes from the Norse word meaning literally "Thor-born" (son of the gods)
I told that thurber straight up, "I want to have your children."
by k8 March 31, 2005
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First big Irish boyband of the 1990s, comprising Ronan, Steve, Shane, Mikey and Keith.
Have been ripped off by the far inferior Westlife.
Ronan now a crappy solo artist
Steve happy and gay
Keith on a Soap
Shane racing cars
I have boyzone CD's hidden under my bed
by k8 May 3, 2004
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A way of saying beautiful. Spoken in a shrill, posh voice.
Yah ah sah byah-tah-fahl!!!!!

Thank yah! Sah ah yahhhh!
by k8 May 5, 2004
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A place in Ireland co.wexford

It's a total kip and nobody likes it
Never go out with someone from new Ross
Sean - lads I shifted Emma from new Ross

Shane- were not friends anymore new Ross people are as hard as marshmallows, new Ross is a kip and I hope it burns down
by k8 June 2, 2017
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The Capital of the world, only rival New York. Incorporates the best of both Europe and America. Unlike in New York the Tube stations are Clearly signposted. Unlike New York the streets are all squigley and it is really really old. South of the river Thames is a mythical land that those on the North talk about in nervous whispers, but it actually isn't that bad and is fast becoming the only place in the city besides cardboard boxes that is affordable to live in. Stand in the middle of the Millenium footbridge and turn around in a 360 degree circle. Go on the London eye. Don't visit the London Dungeons. Go shopping on portabello road, or in Camden, not in Covent Garden. Go to the opera in Regent's park, and to speaker's corner in Hyde park on a sunday afternoon. Trafalger Square in the evening, Leicester square at mid-day. Karl Marx and Charles Dickens are buried in Highgate cemetary. Ealing is queen of the suburbs.
All of life is there.
by k8 May 2, 2004
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Often used when insulting someone, as a comeback.
"you cracka imma bust a cap in yo ass"
"Do you kiss jo mamma with those lips nigga?"
by k8 August 6, 2004
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