15 definitions by k-dizzle

oral stimulation of the penis from the oposite sex. syn: blow job,fellatio,head
So man, did you get your d-dubbed?
by k-dizzle May 3, 2004
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Screaming meep is a way to let out your anger
Omg Steven just broke up with me! MEEP!
by k-dizzle January 2, 2020
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If you’re just a massive idiot and annoying.
Kenna was being so annoying last night, he’s a massive Ebloclart
by k-dizzle January 2, 2020
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Mad cool group of Mullica skaters. Don't need to have good looks with all their skateboarding talent.
The Platoon did a kick ass demo yesterday.
I wish I was on the platoon so I could skate with Kevin Dodimead and Jereme Lentz!
by k-dizzle February 26, 2004
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A cigerette in england
they're absically the same, just faggier
1. I just sucked a fag
2. Do you have a fag on you?
3. God, I love fags
by k-dizzle February 28, 2005
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Super big pimp daddy that all the girlies love
man, he's a lucciano, and he's so sexy
by k-dizzle October 21, 2003
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A kid that sits in publishing and looks at chi-bay
Man, look at Bizzle Shnizzle over thurr, he be straight trippin boo with the flu in the blue with an untied shoe.
by k-dizzle October 20, 2003
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