24 definitions by justanothervictimoftheghetto

Possibly one of the most undesirable human being one can imagine. A person who is a Jew, Female, Midget, Nigger, and finally, a midget.
Robbie: Sweet jesus!

Robbie: QUICK! Take a picture!
by justanothervictimoftheghetto August 25, 2010
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An African American midget with no arm or legs. Heavily reliant on outside help for even the most simple of tasks.
Hey man, that nugget nigger needs some help pushing a button. I don't know whether to help or just watch it wiggle until it passes out.
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One who is not noticed by the majority of his community during the week, but expresses great knowledge of the art of partying on weekends. When confronted during the week about the prior weekend, he/she shall give no immediate response or acknowledge any crazy ass fucking shit (awesome stuff) they partook in, nor shall he/she boast about his/her impressive sexual encounters. They keep to themselves and do not speak ill of others, however will put a person in their place if need be but will go no further. They may surprise others with their readiness (alcoholically speaking) for any party at any time, providing high quality alcohol without any hint towards where he/she acquired it because he/she knows better.
Student A: Hey man, i saw that kid over there (in the green sweater) chug 18 beers at the rager, then continue to save a cat out of a tree and drive it home and back without getting arrested. He came back with two hotties 3 hours later safely!
Student B: Yeah I know! I was there, ive never heard him speak and he denies it all when i ask him about it. I see girls approaching him everyday in school attempting to give them their numbers, but he just ignores them, the guy is a complete Weekend Savant!
by justanothervictimoftheghetto December 9, 2010
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The act of having sex with a woman or man who has a bad spray tan where the spray tan, in all the activity, rubs off on your partner and "glazing" him/her.
Man: Excuse me sir but I couldn't help but notice your uneven spray tan..

Guy: Oh me? Why thank you, but its not a spray tan, it's just a honey glaze!

Man: Oh goodness, I remember my first honey glaze, sorry, have a nice day!
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A term used to describe something good that may also be considered "chill" or "dope" or toward anything that one may like or think is very calm and/or fun.
Lax Bro: Dude did you go to that party last night?

Brah: Yeah bro haha, it was hella grown.
by justanothervictimoftheghetto September 7, 2010
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One who engages in sexual intercourse with a person who has an colored spray tan. They are known to be insecure and/or desperate beyond all belief. The women with the tan, however are just as insecure and desperate as the male. Side effects include orange dick, honey glaze or honey hands.
Dude...your such a honey fucker. That chick looked like a fucking carrot. You need to raise your standards bra
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A title given to one who shall not be named. Deriving from the word 'neighbor', the name instills a sense of underground mystery and or secrecy as if the one who gives said person the title does not wish to release any further information about that person. Once acquired, this title cannot be reversed.
Guy: Yeah so I went to this awesome party with br-.....uh, I mean, my nabor.

Friend: Who is your neighbo-

Guy: SOOO, about that party, it was great
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