85 definitions by jsd9632

A some time actress / model who is famous for being famous.
A woman of low moral character who will have sex with black athletes and rappers for the shock value it brings.
A woman with an impossibly large butt.
Attention Whore.
Drama Queen.
A stupid spoiled princess-slut.
Oh my God!! Did you see that attention whore with the huge ass throwing the fit in the restaruant? Who does she think she is, Kim Kardashian? I'm surprised her pimp du jouir didn't slap her down!
by jsd9632 May 30, 2011
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Shows like Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, Montel Williams & Steve Wilko feature the dregs of the black community doing what comes naturally to primates.
Guests on these shows have sex with any warm body that falls on them, have interracial babies, cheat on their spouses and air their dirty laundry on TV.
When one of these sub humans gets offended they get their inner monkey on and attack!
They physically attack their spouse,their baby daddy, the girl/boy friend of their spouse or even the host.
I watched Steve Wilko today, they had a when monkeys attack episode.
by jsd9632 January 27, 2012
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A truck stop prostitute.
Sometimes a drug addict, but not always.
A woman who prefers the safety of a truck stop to ply her trade rather than public streets.
What white trailer trash girls aspire to be when they grow up.
My momma says when I turn 15 I can be a lot lizard just like her. Then maybe if I'm lucky I can go ride with a trucker and be a whore at all the big truck stops!
by jsd9632 January 25, 2012
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A human female of breeding age with no morals who happens to live in a low end trailer park.
A woman of questionable heritage who will have sex with anyone, including relatives, in or out of the trailer park.
A tramp who will hop from trailer to trailer and shack up whoever had the best beer, the most drugs or can afford groceries.
A trailer park domeciled female who will trade sex for anything
from a Wal Mart gift card to a new pair of shoes or some booze, snort or even food stamps.
"Wanda is quite the trailer trash slut. Last night she had sex with 3 guys and today she's going to a motel with her uncle."
by jsd9632 January 6, 2012
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A jerkoff who has no redeeming value left at all.
An asshole who has surpassed all the limits of assholery.
A douchebag who has sunk to lowest level of douchebaggery.
A lowlife who richly deserves a severe ass beating for soiling the planet with his existance.
That total douchebag has screwed me over good this time!
by jsd9632 February 19, 2012
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An automobile that is equipped for easy sex.
Usually a large sedan with a comfortable back seat and tinted windows or a van with a fold out bed.
A babe magnet set of wheels.
"Hey there Hot Stuff! Why don't you step into the Bangmobile
and we can get busy!"
by jsd9632 January 7, 2012
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To go from zero to ballistic in nothing flat.
To be totally calm to completely honked in the blink of an eye.
To become unhinged at the speed of sound.
To become annoyed instantaneously.
"I was sitting at my desk minding my own business when Marsha came in and pissed me right the fuck off!"
by jsd9632 January 20, 2012
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