30 definitions by js

Fernet-Branca liquer. An alcoholic drink with a cult-like following in some urban locales. Fomulated as a patent medicine in the 1800's, some claim it is like absinthe, but it is really just an after-dinner bitters liquer with the extra punch of a variety of 40+ secret herbs including some that are known to have psychological effects such as Saffron, Ginseng and St. John's Wort. It does seem to have some effect beyond just being alcohol but it's nowhere near as psychedelic or narcotic as it is rumored to be. Some people also consider it to be a great hangover cure.
I housesat for this guy in Hollywood and he had a case of Fernet in his liquor closet.
by js January 17, 2004
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That dude bought two mercedes benz's yesterday. He got some fattie oka
by js June 8, 2004
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