30 definitions by js

Minneapolis, Minnesota. A fairly large city built in a place where it can snow any month of the year except June, July and August and the temperature can reach as low as -40F/-40C during the Winter. The culture is a strange combination of liberal politics and relatively conservative family values. A strong sense of self-important nationalism is present in the local culture and many years ago the residents dubbed it the "Mini-apple" as though it is somehow a smaller version of the Big Apple, New York City.
I froze my ass off in Minneapolis while everyone kept telling me how great it was there.
by js January 17, 2004
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A type of speed boat originally designed for racing on the open ocean, 30-50 feet long and about 8 feet wide. Almost always equipped with at least 1000hp but often up to 2000hp, modern versions can go well over 100 mph. Drug runners made them famous in the 1970's and 80's but they are now popular as extremely expensive ($250,000+) show-off toys mainly for rich, otherwise blue collar people like construction contractors and business owners. The culture surrounding them strongly embraces decadent drinking, drugs, sex, and partying, and sometimes boating too. Most of them are used on lakes way too small and calm compared to their original purpose.
When I win the lottery I'm going to buy a cigarette boat and take it to the sand bar at Havasu.
by js January 17, 2004
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Lake Havasu, Arizona. A wide spot in the Colorado River used for recreational water activities. Certain areas are known for outrageous, over-the-top, orgy-like partying.
You wouldn't believe what was going on at the sand bar in Havasu.
by js January 17, 2004
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An, unrealistic, vain, and self-important person pursuing a career where he or she has a more than a 99.9999% chance of failure and less than a .0001% chance of getting rich and famous. Most often simply employed as a server at a restaurant.
Joe-Bob moved to LA to follow his dream of being an actor.
by js January 17, 2004
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That would have to be "Battlefield Earth".
Don't kid yourself... "Battlefield Earth" really is as bad as people tell you it is.

So is "Swept Away".

I haven't yet seen "Gigli".
by js July 21, 2004
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A Person that likes to interrupt or change other people's plans.
Jason: I'm going to smoke my joint now.

Debbie: no, smoke it after dinner.

Christie: Debbie don't be such a Dream squasher.
by js January 2, 2015
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Any people residing in the west county area of St. Louis, MO including Clayton, Ladue, Frontenac, Creve Coeur, Town & Country, Chesterfield, and Des Peres. These people genuinely believe that they are smarter, better looking, more funny, and all around better then everyone else on the face of the earth. They are all also very preppy. Everyone that lives further west and south west of Chesterfield Valley, are all (everyone) red neck and white trash and it is the truth. "you can take the man out of south, but you cant take the south out of the man."
look at dem west county snobs rollin round in they Ranges 'n Escalades.
by js April 6, 2005
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