12 definitions by jrpgkin

This is Star Wars' Emperor Palaptine's favorite breakdance move!
Emperor Palaptine, danced "The Dark Slide," when he found out Boba Fett captured Han Solo, of The Rebel Alliance! Unfortunately, the emperor's joy, will be short-lived, since Leia eventually rescues Han Solo.
by jrpgkin May 10, 2022
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I think this is Latin, for "Immaculate Savior Goddess." This is the sacred title, of Inspector Gadget's niece, known as Sophie/Penny Ruth. The Ruth shall set you free! The word, "Dea Immaculate Christe," is a joke on DiC, which made the original Inspector Gadget.
Following the collapse of the Sabantinian Empire, there's now two groups, claiming to be its rightful successors, the Waltdisneyans, in the US, and the Wildbrainians, in Canada. Both say Dea Immaculate Christe, to praise Sophie/Penny Ruth , of Inspector Gadget. Wildbrain made Inspector Gadget 2.0, and Disney is making "Inspector Gadget 3: Revenge of Dr. Claw." Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way, to make Disney, and Wildbrain, friends, so they can make a live-action Inspector Gadget TV Series! Save us, Goddess Sophia Penelope Ruth!
by jrpgkin May 15, 2022
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Parasympathy, is when you feel sorry for a person, because someone already feels sorry for this person. Also known as indirect sympathy. Paraempathy, is when you have the same feelings as someone else, because another person has empathy for this person. Also known as indirect empathy. These are jokes on the parasympathetic nervous system, of neurology.
When a female, and male, brain surgeon, a married couple, accidentally kill their pet neuron, their medical friends, give them a postcard, for their deepest parasympathy, for their loss! A joke! Other doctor friends, give paraempathy cards, as they also killed off their pet neurons. However, the medical profession, respect the brain surgeon couple's autonomy! A joke on the autonomic nervous system. This is parasympathy and paraempathy.
by jrpgkin April 13, 2022
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This is my name for the notorious "Final Fantasy House's" "mini-cult." It's a joke on the owners, claiming to be reincarnated Final Fantasy 7 Characters, such as "Jenova," and "Sephiroth." It's also a joke on Jehovas' Witnesses.
I have met some people, who claim to be from the Jenova's Witnesses, and claim Jenova saved them! They reject Jenova's appearance in Final Fantasy 7, being called "The Calamity," and instead calls it a blessing!
by jrpgkin April 14, 2022
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This is my house. My close friends know, that even though I am a guy, I am Priestess Kai/Ki, from Makai Toushi Saga 2: Hihou Densetsu/Final Fantasy Legend II, and Saga 2: Hihou Densestu - Goddess of Destiny. Final Fantasy Legend II, also appears in Collection of Saga/Final Fantasy Legend, known in Japan, as The Saga Collection.
Being the real-life version, of Priestess Kai/Ki, living in The Final Fantasy Legend II House, brings me much joy! Then I will no longer have to hate myself, and can accept myself, as a real life Anime JRPG character!
by jrpgkin April 14, 2022
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Huntington's Korea, my joke on Huntington's chorea, a disease. It's next to Sitandgo, and Chyma.
Huntington's Korea, is the third lesser-known Korea, found only in medical books.
by jrpgkin July 20, 2022
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This is who "Egg," of Denny's "Grand Slams," doesn't want to be.
"Egg," of Denny's "Grand Slams," tells "Bold Coffee," that she isn't just a big yolk. There's more to her, that he recognizes. "Pancake" says "Egg's white." This is a joke on "Egg's" right, and egg white. My Denny's joke. I love this place!
by jrpgkin August 24, 2022
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