38 definitions by jrh5356

1) The substance removed from one's nose, usually with the pinky finger, and flicked, wiped on something, or eaten by the less civilized and young.
2) To cause a flaw in something.
3) Used to refer to the vagina, or sex with a woman, in some southern U.S. States.
4) A term used when referring to a child's foolishness or immaturity.
1. Who just flicked this booger on me.
2. I just boogered the threads on this bolt.
3. Let's go on down to the booger bar tonight.
4. Those little boogers just egged my house and T.P.'d my trees.
by jrh5356 April 24, 2005
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1) American slang (circa 1980) for the television, and serving as a bargaining tool by parents in disciplining their children, who referred to the time wasted watching it, and lowering their IQ too, hence "boob tube"
Turn that boob tube off and do your homework!
by jrh5356 April 19, 2005
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1) An experienced and establshed distributor of controlled substances, not to be confused with a pusher, they have a more mature clientel that realize the importance of discretion, and difficulty in replacing a righteous connection.
2) A drug dealer
Never sell to children, or within 1000 feet of any school, and never sell to strangers.
by jrh5356 April 20, 2005
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1)In typing and typeset the symbol in question is the percent sign and when followed by lower case s, as if attached, indicates that it represents multiple percents
$s divided hours equals what %s?
by jrh5356 April 16, 2005
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1) Infamous initiation ritual for gang members to pass in which they are to retrieve confectionary treats from infants, with total disregard for anyone watching. It stands for -
I Take Candy Off Babies
Is one really needed?
by jrh5356 April 19, 2005
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1) It is one of nature's many genetic filtration methods, along with bravery, curiosity, carelessness, as well as bad luck, and fate. The human species is better off when the filters clean out the carrier before the gene can be passed on to another generation.
2) The most abundant element in the known universe, followed by carbon.
3) A condition most deny having until witnessed demonstrating the affliction in view of others,
That sunami off Indonesia was God's way of emptying the trash, even the animals were smart enough to head for higher ground, but look how many stupidity gene donors were wiped out.
by jrh5356 April 16, 2005
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1) In the methamphetamine culture it is any of the female sex who would stay spun for longer than they were really capable of, coherently anyway, and they would begin allowing their imaginations to take over for common sense. Examples would include watching out of windows for the invisible people outside, suddenly thinking everyone else around them are making inside jokes about whatever guilt they have in themselves, or just tweaking too hard.
Most females and many males shouldn't be permitted to stay awake for more than 24 hours at a time.
by jrh5356 April 20, 2005
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