67 definitions by jr

the thing you say after receiving a drink from any fast food drive threw and throw it back through the window
by jr November 10, 2003
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When a boyfriend takes a shit at his girlfriend's house an clogs her toilet leaving her to clean it.
*boyfriend* - Whats that noise?
*girlfriend*- (opens bathroom door) What the fuck?, u clog my toilet.
*boyfriend* - (laughing really hard) got manny bombed bitch.
by jr December 4, 2004
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what a woman tells she likes you as when she is really saying "no fucking way".
"I like you as a friend though..." - Man being shot down by good looking woman.
by jr May 28, 2004
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To be an ass or jerk
"Dude, that guy is such a nar"
by jr February 6, 2005
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A phrase used in extreme circumstances when something unbeleivable has occured. Commonly used by Edinburger schemies who have moved to the Aberdonian pikey council estates. Phrase originates from down under where chavs cannot understand gravity and fall off the planet.
Holey moley lachlan doley!!! Is that Candice fae doon the road wi a new luminus pink hairbobble????
by jr March 30, 2004
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