219 definitions by jordan

Whe you can see a girls pussy through her pants?
Her camel toe is hott!
by jordan February 9, 2005
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Seems calm and shy around people she doesn't like.
Why is that kid so cyncyrie around you?
by jordan May 8, 2004
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The process of creating and developing a piece of software for distribution.
The company's software engineering team developed a program to share files.
by jordan October 9, 2003
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A term used by players of the game Magic: the Gathering to tell another player to stop drafting the same color cards.
by jordan May 29, 2004
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The funny feeling you get when you wake up after a night of not drinking and you're not hungover like usual.
"Yeah, I didn't go party last night, I woke up this morning with a wicked hangunder"
by jordan May 18, 2004
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(n.)Anything that is passed off as being true Rock n' Roll, but which a majority of people believe otherwise. Fig 1. Limp Bizkit. See also: Creed.
The bar was playing Creed? Now that's one kind of shamrock I don't want on St. Patrick's day.
by jordan March 17, 2005
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