10 definitions by jolt

a.) small, round tree
b.) president 41
c.) president 43

i have no opinion of any three. all i know is i hate hitler, stalin, osama, saddam, and any other terrorist (see terrorist) dumbass that wants to fuck up anybody that walks.
a) shit, i ran into that bush
b) the PGW happened under bush
c) did u see bush land on the carrier?
by jolt January 13, 2004
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ummm actually they are athletes. they have physical training and stuff to make them be able to take shoving the wheel left (and right if they're spinning out or on a road course or spinning out ON a road course). also, try sitting PERFECTLY still for 4 hours or not getting whiplash. these guys are in shape. Mike Waltrip runs 3 miles a day. others work out.

it's also a team sport. do they get out and change their own tires??? NO. pit crew. people that build their cars. all kinds of teamwork, driver is just the most glamorous position on the team.

and rednecks??? Kurt Busch is from Las Vegas. Tony Stewart (the best of all) is from Indy. there are tracks in CA (2), NV, NH, NY, KS, AZ, PA, MI, and other non-southeast-redneck states.

most motorcycles can't go 210MPH on talladega like Bill Elliot did... they could only do maybe 150 AND scrape off a kickstand.

and you say "circles". no "Ovals (rockingham)", "tri-ovals (talladega, daytona)", "d-shaped ovals (michigan)", "quad-ovals (atlanta)", "egg-shaped ovals (darlington)" and "triangles (pocono)". Indy is really a rectangle, but it's called an oval.

now for the Hypocrites... ok so FAST CARS are cool. STICK SHIFTS are cool. WINNING is cool. DRAG RACING (straight line... MORE boring than "Circles") is cool. but NASCAR isn't?

ok maybe there are too many ads on wheels, but you can't honestly deny that these guys are good. YOU try it... see how long YOU last. just any old car won't hold up... the specialized cars sometimes can't cut it. like when they get loose and spin out. or like when the engine dies. or when the car just plain SUCKS (like Dale JR. @ Las Vegas, Spring 2004)

actually WATCH a race and find out what really goes on under the hood and all around before you go "rednecks" or "pussies". i suggest Talladega or Martinsville if you even read this far.
DUDE DID U SEE THAT!!! Tony Stewart just won the 2002 NASCAR Winston Cup Championship!!! GO TONY!!!.... and he's 2nd right now in 2004 (as of Golden Corral 500)
by jolt March 15, 2004
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never thinking you are sick even when you really are - opposite of hypochondria
by jolt October 24, 2003
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A: "I'll speak to you about it on mess"
B: "On what?"
A: "MSN Messenger, idiot"
by jolt January 3, 2005
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The highest amount of THC from Marijuana. Made when marijuana is grinded and the THC crystal is sorted from the rest of bud
This keef has got me chokin but blazed
by jolt January 1, 2004
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something that is good, or you are happy about
damm yo, i got 3 free periods a day this year...my schedule is definetly glove
by jolt December 11, 2003
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