23 definitions by john really brown

when you use sand paper for a lube. many have tried this aspect to no avail, but it shall be tried again this millenia. it leaves both parties sensitive and just. tired and tight,and blue. you can actually sandpaper your dong to create a grit like sensation before you become erect and ejaculatory.
jane- lets spice up our sex life
dan- yea its more like sex pergutory
jane- haha, u r funny, but i saw someone use a new type of lube
dan- oh yea?
jane- yea
dan- well lets do it, lets use sandpaper for some grit.
jane- i will like it
dan- yes you will
jane- thanks, i hope i dont get a dry
san- oh no no, you will just get an orgasm
by john really brown June 12, 2006
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when you slap someone in the back while they are pissing in a urinal so hard, or with such a pinpointed force that they are cuaght in limbo and they weiner touches the porcelain, since it is out becuase of peeing.
dan-hey john are you happy
jim- porcelain touch say what
mike- *slap*
all- haaha we got ya( as johns "dick" touches the dirty herpes ridden urinal)
john- damn
mike- yea damn
jim- hahaaha
all- hahah yea samn
by john really brown June 12, 2006
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commercial-ing is when you drink a bottled beverage like they do on commericals for that drink.

comes after the fast drinking on commercial tv when someone is really tired and just swings back they neck and drinks it all.
yo i was so hungry that i was commercial -ing that gatorade.

jim just took that powerade and commercialed it, yo.

look at stacy, she is just commercialing that V8.
by john really brown September 2, 2006
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basically placing your shit in various catergories. can include wet, dry, log-hard, firm yet pellet like and torpedo. its a game when you see how many you can get in one "shitting". you look down, then up, then smile, then write down your winnings. can include "Logirithms"/
yo play the game
what game
put yo shit in names and play
by john really brown October 25, 2006
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the act of having sex while dressed up as the monopoly man. it can be every day, or only when your girl passes go. prefereabbly on a boardwalk or when she has grown out her marvin garden.
mike- i want sex
jane-well i want board games
james- how bout i solve both and play milton bradley
by john really brown July 7, 2006
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when a girl is showered by a mans milky man glue.
ill hit you with my man bubble bath
i ll hit you with my man glue

*splat* johnny comed on my face,its like a man bubble bath
by john really brown September 23, 2006
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to win the brown ribbon, you must understand two things. it is very much akin to the blue ribbon in a horse show, and it was invented for the Poop Olympics.

the brown ribbon is given to the winner of the longest and firmest shit.
the brown ribbon is a thin slice of nylon ribbon, width of 4 cm. and is sharp to the touchings. each log is lined up in the Log Lineup and one by one one is tried to be cut by the ribbon. the one thewith the most shitsistance (resistance of shit sue to corn ratio or other thing) this one wins it.
it the poop olympiad of brownsville, tx, Irving Logman won the brown ribbon.
it now adornes his fireplace.
by john really brown September 2, 2006
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