8 definitions by joeski

verb: to be all set is to be over it.
im all set with goin out and gettin no dick.all set.
by joeski March 10, 2004
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1) so garbled, confused, distorted, or otherwise messed up as to be utterly unsalvagable.
2) so intoxicated as to be unintelligible or incoherent.
1) Your computer is plotzed.
2) Ralph got so plotzed last night that he couldn't even give the cab driver directions to his house.
by joeski April 2, 2003
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shit hirl.those boots are spicy, you know you just found them at the shelter.
by joeski March 10, 2004
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anyone or thing that pops wood.
check the hotpocket over by the bar.
by joeski March 10, 2004
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for those in the boston massuchusets area.508 refers to the area code outside the city. usually used a degrading term to reference people or things.
That chick rolled up to the club lookin all 508 with here pegged pants and leather tassled biker jacket.
by joeski March 10, 2004
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bitch. or a demaining way to adress another human.
by joeski March 10, 2004
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1. A disproportionately large scrotum to testicle ratio.
2. A very large ball sac.

3. A disturbingly low hanging pair of balls.
After hot tub Tuesday Ted was totally sporting a penis cape.
by joeski June 4, 2013
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