29 definitions by joemammy

That inevitable feeling you get in your stomach after eating Mickey Dees.
For breakfast I had two McBirritos, an egg McMuffin, a McHashbrown, and a McCoffee. I'm going to have McGrumbles all morning.
by joemammy September 3, 2016
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A gentlemen who is so extraordinarily good with female breasts that he is a titrexpert.
Jackson is such a titrexpert. He spotted this girl's breast cancer from a mile away... Literally A MILE AWAY! I was astounded at his abilities.
by joemammy January 16, 2009
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A girl with whorish like qualities and or abilities. She may look normal to the eye, but once you get to know her you will soon find out that she possesses characteristics that someone considered a whore possesses.
Susie is so extrawhordinary. I was talking to her yesterday and in the middle of our conversation she just busted out and was like "my anus is KILLING me!". I was speechless after this.
by joemammy March 4, 2007
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What you say to the homies when you want to engage in some hood activities.
Yo Jamal, what's coonin?
by joemammy September 3, 2016
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A code name for a whore house. It is most commonly used by people when they take trips to Las Vegas and they would like to be discrete about their true intentions.
Jeffy enjoys going to Mattress Warehouse whenever his wife begins to yell at him.
by joemammy March 3, 2007
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The act of playing video games for hours and hours. Probably while eating cheetohs and hot pockets.
*Me in the group text* Yo dudes, anyone nerding tonight? I picked up a bag of cheetohs and there's a fresh box of hot pockets in the freezer. Let's do this!
by joemammy September 3, 2016
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