10 definitions by jock

The are between aladys pussy and her ass
I pulled out of her twat, crossed the biffany bridge and pushed it up her ass
by jock May 23, 2003
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Someone who imposes their (healthy) dietary customs on others, but are still rude. But they should not be confused with your everyday vegan who's diet reflects an appreciation for their own life and health and that of others (including "animals")

They are very much like alchoholnazi's, tobacconazis, or drugnazi's who often similary try to impose their habits and addictions on others in the name of having a good time, but these peoples' habits are proven to be unhealthy and sometimes dangerous to others. These people also empower the BigDrugBusinessNazis which have a stranglehold on American democracy, giving businesses a greater voice than citizens. These businesses invariably work against or just don't give a "duck" about the general public.
someone who feels everyone must live like they do or who only feels comfortable around people who live, look or act like themsevles
by jock January 8, 2005
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A slutty, snobby girl who is usually self-centered and typically a flunker at school. She makes a great fuck and can even give you free head if you are a football player.
#1 "That cheerleader Suzy is the best fuck I've had this year. She even polished my knob just a few minutes ago."
#2 "That dirty whore! And I just banged her two hours ago!"

Comment submitted with request to Delete: "that is so rude! there are three poeple on my cheer squad that are in the top 20 people in our class. One of them is sexond in our class! You're unbeliebale...same with you too...your probably just JEALOUS! get over urself!"
by jock June 20, 2003
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when you do a girl from the back but you are in her vagina and you wip your dick out and stick it in her butt
i peekabooed this girl last night and she started to cry
by jock February 23, 2005
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A person, like a any other drug addict, who cannot enjoy life without addictive chemicals.
When your housemate only gets out of bed on weekends to go out drinking and is otherwise a sullen sap. Someone whose happiest moments revolve around alchohol or being drunk.
by jock January 8, 2005
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Something which no one ideally wants to have. Like any surgery or medical treatment problems can occur.

If so called "right to lifers" really want to do something positive, they would channel all their anger and use it to no better word than "glorify" all the alternatives women have to abortion, instead of attacking those who see no other alternative and the doctors that only want to make sure that a woman doesn't suffer from the process.
If rich republicans want everyone who gets pregnant to give birth, then they should start lining up to adopt into their own homes all the kids who are born to women who realize they wont be able to raise those children properly.
by jock January 26, 2005
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Someone who is very weird , anti-social , an ego nerd , or being homosexual .
That waitress is so moist , I complimented her work , and she didn't even smile . Gary never talks with us about girls , like if he was moist .
by jock April 10, 2004
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