16 definitions by jimmy patrick

1. adj. used when someone is hot enough to jank to.

2. n. A special place (study, lavatory, closet used for masterbatory sessions.

3. n. Laboratory specially designed for studying masterbation.
1. Holy shit, I met Kristen's little sis last week, girl is fully masterbatory!

2. If you'll excuse me, I need to step into the masterbatory for a quick tug.
by jimmy patrick February 19, 2008
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A place used for masterbation.

Also can refer to a masterbatory stain.
Dude, your mom's bedroom makes for an excellent tugspot!
by jimmy patrick February 19, 2008
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Amazingly underrated comedy boasting a hilarious Brett Kelly as "The Kid" and Billy Bob Thornton (in his greatest performance since Sling Blade) as a foul-mouthed, alcoholic Santa Claus.

John Ritter's last film before his death, and one of the most politically incorrect movies of all time.

A Christmas story in a category of its own.
Bad Santa could have been terrible, but the excellent casting made it incredible.
by jimmy patrick February 25, 2008
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A group of popular dudes, usually fratty jocks, who are into date-raping their underage cousins (and each other).
"Fuckin' dick clique made me drink their loogies today in the cafeteria, God I hate those assholes!"
by jimmy patrick February 15, 2008
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The pocket of fat above the knee of an obese person...can be used for sexytime, storing personal items, or as a hand/foot-hold to reach the elbowgina (or other hole).
She wasn't fat enough for me to put it in the elbowgina, but the kneegina was a perfect fit!
by jimmy patrick February 14, 2008
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What people always say when I stick my huge cock in them.
Ouch! I was expecting the length, but not the girth!
by jimmy patrick March 3, 2008
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When something is so good you could jank to it.

Also, a really amazing masterbatory session.
Christ, you see that short skirt? Bitch be mastastic son!

I know, I had a mastastic jank sess to her the other night, I'm still sore!
by jimmy patrick February 19, 2008
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