1 definition by jim jo bob

The shittiest place anyone could dare work. Synonomous with flamboyant douchebaggery, started by a man with the last name "Skaggs". Forced customer service regime and secret shoppers, workers who do not comply will be executed and sold as safeway select potted meat. Pay is below minimum wage and one may expect to have a throng of mentally handicapt co-workers. Three minute lunch breaks are permitted; one usually has to order food from the "service deli" inhabited by stoned fucktards and sandwiches made of decaying human entrails. Shitty value, high prices, fucktard co-workers, and shitty health care. Safeway sucks!
"Bo Jim, that retard you remember from school, is your manager at Safeway."
"That fucking safeway select sandwich i eat opened a vons chain in my small intestine."
"The safeway service deli food is to decaying human remains that arbys is to roadkill."
by jim jo bob November 2, 2005
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