152 definitions by jesster79

Another term for male masturbation, especially when caught out in public by women performing that act.
When confronted the suspect explained to police that he had been Mixing A Protein Shake.
by jesster79 August 19, 2016
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Quite possibly one of the lowest forms of life around. Fills the email boxes of people with offers for increasing the size of male genitila, mortgage refinacing, credit, links to pages displaying every kind of sexual act known to humans, and among other things, pills.
I know someone who was in the hospital for a week last year, when he got home there was over 2000 spam messages in his inbox.
by jesster79 March 12, 2004
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An attempt to hide hair loss on the head which has become obvious. Usually done by males. Usually looks worse than the baldness that the person is attempting to hide.
by jesster79 March 8, 2004
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What the Republicans have turned themselves into. Especially at the lower level, brown shirts are a collection of thugs who get quite annoyed at those who oppose monkey boy.
New brown shirts accuse those who don't like monkey boy of everything, from causing bad hair days to treason.
by jesster79 March 12, 2005
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The new uniform of the Republican party. Wearers of this uniform tend to also be jack boot wearing thugs.
Brown shirt Republicans are a collection of goons who cannot stand things like civil rights. These people tend to think that they are better and holier than everyone else.
by jesster79 March 14, 2005
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What Bill O'Reilly has shown himself to be when he approached a young female staffer for sexual favors.
by jesster79 January 24, 2005
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