150 definitions by jess

A person who is increadibly clanky.
The Clankster clanked it up
by jess January 8, 2005
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originates from Chatham in Kent, used by many, mainly chavs or just lazy people who can't be bothered to say 'isn't it'.
Innit can be used anywhere in a sentence and can be used sarcastically, complementingly or just innit.
'That orange is well juciy innit!'
'good innit'
'What you looking at innit!'
by jess January 19, 2005
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It is an English slang dictionary like web site important for the non-native English speaking people to understand what the native English speaking meant when swearing or been mean or naughty.

Also it is important for the native English speaking people do understand what is the hell they are talking about!
I did not understand what she meant when she asked me to fudgepack her till I found UrbanDictionary.com
by jess December 27, 2003
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when you lift your arm up and there is fat jiggling to and fro.
or you are just obese and everything about you is fat, including your arms.
wayne, "dont look now! that lady has some serious fatarm."
jimbo, "damn bro, that lady fat."
by jess October 16, 2004
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These guys are actually a lotta fun to hang around, they joke around and they're usually very funny, but their style is indeed tacky... they act all tough and some make comments about non-whites, which is funny because a lot of the time they tend to try to look/act Puerto Rican and even black but still try to pick up on their women.
A good example of a Guido would be some guy I knew who drove a drop-top Miata with a lil Italian flag on one side and an American flag on the other. He also had a Italian flag tattooed on his arm, over kill anyone?
by jess April 17, 2005
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Pair of blue pants that can talk *Is very stoopid*
by jess August 14, 2003
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bovis not only means and insult to someone who is an idiot but it also is a compliment to someone who is cool (double meaning)
matt you are so bovis
by jess August 26, 2004
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