5 definitions by jenm

Surely refers to the fact your mum is easy, or suggest that the person saying it has indeed slept with your mum
Person 1 "Shut up, your such an idiot"
Person 2 "your mum"
by jenm December 4, 2004
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Lash meaning going out drinking, so lash intensive is a heavy night on alcohol usually resulting in a massive hangover the next day.
"Mate, i feel rough today, last night was lash intensive"
by jenm December 4, 2004
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Whilst doing a girl from behind, or up the arse, attempt to walk all the way round a table. Those who complete this are awrded status of rear admiral
I rear admiralled a girl last night whilst taking her from behind in the dining room
by jenm March 6, 2005
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It's a fag with a bit of a difference. Just another word for joint but not used nearly as frequently, unfortunately.
"Let's go smoke a jazz fag."
"Hunky whitied the another night cos he smoked too many jazz fags."
by jenm December 4, 2004
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