11 definitions by jellypuddinginmyanus42069

adjective • the point where a person is overwhelmingly moistened to a degree of utter disgust that discourages furtherly living

noun • a state of being in which one is saturated to completion - no more fluids can enter or exit the various bodily holes of the human body

verb • the act of saturating one’s self to a point of distinct wetness that supercedes all commonplace mortal capacity
Dam it’s wetter than ur mother’s vagina out, we’re getting real sogged.

How the fuck can I run this race after this rain’s sogged me like this?

Why do you have to be such a sog? Be airy and free like me; you won’t regret it.
by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 August 17, 2018
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noun • As per the name, a exuberantly ripe and spritely suck bestowed upon he most deserving of immediate sympathy, unable to be sufficiently provided otherwise. Such a rite is usually provided by the nearest willing female, who performs any sex act you may desire out of compassion for your sorry state.
Ben: hey sexy wanna smash?
Maggie: nah, fuck off creep
Ben: But I have stage 4 testicular cancer and don’t have long.
Maggie: In that case, come get your sympathy suck and I’ll make whatever time you have left worthwhile ;).
Ben: Ahahaha ueh
Maggie: (acckk uehhhh *#!& it’s so big and cancerous ueh)
by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 December 29, 2020
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noun • a residue typically left from dried ejaculate; a type of homemade cocaine substitute (no it will not get you high but it might get you pregnant)
Grandpa Dick: Honey come here and choke on my cocksand
Grandma Rosanne: Ewwww you’re an ornery 69 year old that’s just ur old nasty cum it’s not like u have any left. I’m just gonna hit this line of coke real quick I ain’t trying to set a record for oldest mama.
by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 August 6, 2018
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Marissa: Hey Josh, heard this crazy story about this voluptuous peter eskeeter named Seewagen - she chopped off her husbands dick, threw it in the woods, he sewed it back on, and then she chopped it off again. Feminism, huh?
by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 December 29, 2020
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noun • a term used by white suburban housewives to refer to an African-American man of immense stature, and penile length, often consulted during periods of duress in pursuit of psychological, and usually sexual, satisfaction
(speaking to Zack, her daughter’s boyfriend)

Julianne: My daughter is in tears and you are NO PRINCE!!! We have been consulting the lord throughout this entire process, and he says you must surrender control, just like I surrendered control to the lord and his massive black cock. I felt his touch within me, and he filled me up to the brim with the enlightenment that I needed to deal with you, Zack. Now I will expel you from my daughter’s presence, unlike the lord’s child growing within me, so that I am always full of him.
by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 December 5, 2020
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This is a variant of munging in which the corpse to be munged is a victim of the coronavirus, who is acquired via a local nursing home. To ensure proper social distancing, the participating individual who loses the coin toss, rock-paper-scissors, or other contest of choice, pops an experimental dick-enlarging pill which extends the participant’s penile length to 6 feet, in addition to donning a face mask with a slit cut out in the middle in order to allow the expelled mung and corona juice mixture (hence “COVID-mung”) to enter the perpetrator’s orifice(s) in an internationally acceptable manner.
Zack: Hey Cody, you wanna head over to the old folk’s home?

Cody: Yea sure... Why? You volunteering or something?

Zack: No, I just have a real strong hankering to perform a COVID-Munging on one of the former residents. Since I haven’t been able to get any quarantine pussy, I figured this’d be the next best thing to give my dick a nice kickstart.
Cody: You’re sick. What the fuck is wrong with you?
(Cody leaves the room only to quickly return, walking past Zack with the car keys)
Cody: C’mon you sick bastard, let’s go. Some old woman named Ethyl that I used to help just died and the way she put her muffins in the oven always made me sweat a bit.
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noun • a manner of reference to a characteristically vitriolic bitch who is either possessive of the predisposition to, or who has previously undertaken the action of removing the male phallic organ, usually subsequent to becoming enraged and overcome by her own flippant and ungainly emotions, to the point of performing such a heinous and vengeful act. Furthermore, such dismemberment is usually accomplished via the utilization of a sharp object, or potentially one that is comparatively duller if the perpetrator desires for a more lengthy and torturous removal and later thrown into adjacent vegetation and/or woods in order to secure difficulty in locating the separated life-giving essence of the human race.

Also see peter eskeeter
Anthony: Awww shucks, that lumber liquidator Maggie done got me, looks like imma be stuck without my ween. Guess I’ll get back to sitting on my ass. Ueh ueh ueh
by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 January 12, 2020
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