401 definitions by jeff

The point where one realizes that he or she is wasted-ass drunk. Also, the future sense of wanting to get drunk, summed up in one word.
"Man, I drank so much crown and coke...I was tatties by midnight!"

"Yo, what are we doing tonight?"
by jeff April 15, 2005
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a red headed person, whom logically has red hair on their ass as well.
Look at that fireass over there. Scorching everything he sits on.
by jeff March 6, 2005
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You're chatting with a girl, everything seems to be going well, and eventually she asks for your phone number. A few days later, you get a call from the girl, but it turns out she is asking for homework help.
*ring* *ring*

B: Hello?
J: Hey, this is Jamie!
B: Hey! How's it going?
J: ... Have you done the physics homework yet?
by jeff November 18, 2004
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to baste someone in the ass of a turkey when you are high on crack
look at that bastoy boy son of a bitched apple
by jeff February 10, 2004
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A cool guy who sits in front of you at law school. Especially if he's hot.
Look at that hot guy over there. He's such a Nunziato....but I only think that because I'm gay.
by jeff July 24, 2003
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rower- one who rows. a.k.a., one who competes in the sport of crew. More often than not, rowers do not fit into a pre-defined social category, but, in stead, prefer each other's company and don't put too much effort into outward appearance. Exceptions to this rule occur when rowing when the ugliest clothes available are always in fashion. Ever rower knows, however, that the ultimate fashion statement is embodied in an article of National Team Gear, which only the best rowers in the country can earn. Concentrations of rowers can be found, yet are not limited to New England, Philadelphia, Detroit, and the Pacific Coast. Rowers are usually really good guys.
2003 Princeton Heavyweight Freshman were a group of really good rowers. Four of them have been on a national team.
by jeff July 26, 2004
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N. Having computers operate at 10^17 operations per second, or teh speed of teh human brain. Acoording to Moore's law, this will be reached in 2025.
Do not fear Singularity!!!
by jeff November 10, 2004
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