1 definition by jaytwo

A chill bro is a male who shares traits similar to bros, skaters, punks, and partiers. A Chill bro's main concern is to get intoxicated and have a good time, but can also enjoy themselves when surrounded by fast cars or motorcycles, and especially while at a race track. Enjoys Motocross. Chill bros enjoy modifying their cars whether it is a lifted truck, or a 98 Saturn. Chill bros listen to whatever fits their mood but generally enjoy blasting kid cudi, rise against, lil wayne, or sublime. Chill bros like their music loud. They can be found wearing things such as DC, Billabong, Metal Mulisha, or supporting their favortime Motorcycle manufacturer. Skate shoes, shoe string belts, and oakley shades are appropriate.Fitted hats to match are a must. Chill bros mostly drink monster/rockstar, or cold beers. Once again, a chill bros main concern is having a good time.
by jaytwo February 23, 2010
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