48 definitions by jane

A quiet but amazing sexy drug which makes one feel strong emotions that is only known to have made one addict. If apart from this drug, one may learn the meaning of love or feeling without thought.
I'm waiting for you Julius from Montclair Mall, come to Oregon soon. Say hi to Mark! Hi MarK!
by jane January 21, 2005
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The root of the word is "sign", as in pronouncing or interpreting "signs" of the future or important spiritual symbols. This must be related to African or Afro-American religious and spiritual practices involving the serious disucssion of divine signs and their meanings.
In a more general sense, if someone is said to be "signifyin"", it may mean that they are taking themselves to seriously by holding forth on deep portentious subjects in a self-important manner.
One might be describing pretentious intellectualizing or over-bearing preaching about matters which should make us humble by their mystery.
When asked to sign a timesheet at work, the manager said, "Sure.. in Heberew or English ?"
On which a passing co-worker commented, "There he goes signifyin' again."
Since I happen to be Jewish, I know exactly what he meant.
by jane September 6, 2003
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If that Kevin carries on like that he will end up a wobin
by jane October 8, 2003
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To intoxicate exceptionally thoroughly.
After a bottle and a half of Vodka, Mike was floored.
by jane February 28, 2003
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Holmdel is a town in central New Jersey. It consists of 4 schools, Holmdel Park, your house, your neighbor's house, Temptations, and the Holmdel Commons.
Holmdel is a boring place to be.
by jane April 3, 2005
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