1 definition by jamminbjayleee

A weird guy who is at least two hundred pounds overweight, but insists on accentuating his flab. Vince's believe in wearing large amounts of Axe Cologne, because as any and every Vince will say, "It attracts the women, you know?"

If you meet a Vince, do not stick around for long. They attempt to be cool, player-types but instead, they fail miserably. All Vince's also like to brag about their conquests with women. However, in reality they are simply making all of it up in order to make themselves feel better.

A Vince will often sag his pants in order to seem attractive to the females but of course, this does not work out because every time a Vince will bend over, you will see much more than you ever wanted to see.
Vince: "Women only want me for pleasure."

Girl: "Shut the hell up fatass!"
by jamminbjayleee July 17, 2010
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