30 definitions by james savik

The "yips" is a set of conditions associated with having your nerves badly rattled. Can affect the performance of athletes and in the case of combat veterans is a symptom of PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
1) I got the yips and bogeyed the rest of the holes.

2) My post military career prospects aren't looking so good with a bad case of the combat yips and and drinking myself to sleep every night.
by james savik July 12, 2010
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A man who is not gay per see and is apparently heterosexual for all intents and purposes but occassionally enjoys sex with other men.
Sam is a hobby homo. He likes pussy but says that gay guys give much better head.
by james savik February 2, 2008
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1. To become an officer after serving as enlisted. Origin: military.

2. Go renegade and betray friends and allies
1. Corporal Hanson is sure to go mustang if he stays in. He's smart and has his shit wired high and tight.

2. In 1990 Iraq went mustang and screwed over all of her allies when they invaded Kuwait. Origin: uncommon slang.
by james savik August 12, 2015
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An email address you give to fuk-twats, so they can't spam you.
Bob: Your email address isn't eatshit@diespammer.org?

Mo: No, it's an FU-Mail address.
by james savik December 6, 2022
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A Unicorn is a male with a penis 10 inches (~25.5 cm) or larger: rare, popular and scares the hell out of virgins.
Bill: I can't understand how Tom gets all the chicks. He's not exactly Tom Cruise.
Ted: I hear he's a Unicorn.
Bill: That explains it.
by james savik August 29, 2020
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A young guy that is such a horn dog that he will try most anything sexual.
My buddy Shawn is a try-sexual: he fucked his girlfrind Mandy and her fag-hag buddy Travis.
by james savik October 2, 2006
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Military in origin. Describes a rookie aviator or junior officer in the Navy or Marine Corps.
"How are your nuggets working out?"
"They'll be fine when they figure out that they're in the fleet now and can forget the Mickey-mouse shit and concentrate on the job."
by james savik September 6, 2020
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