30 definitions by james savik

Refers to the suspicious death of a person in government custody who has knowledge that could lead to the prosecution of powerful government officials, agencies or their billionaire patrons.
John McAfee got Epsteined in a Spanish prison while he was awaiting extradition to the US before he could be deposed on a number of issues regarding computer crimes and bot networks among other things.
by james savik January 3, 2023
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A mediocre academic whose one career accomplishment is that he/she knows how to write successful research grants but has no idea how to focus that research for any pratical results.
Dr. Patterson is a rotten teacher but he has tenure because he's such a grant whore. He brings in 25 million a year for his research into the boxers vs breifs question.
by james savik March 30, 2008
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The state of rapture displayed by democrats and liberal pundits over the prospects of Barak Obama in the 2008 Presidential race.
Did you see the old hens on "the View" having Obama-gasms this morning? It was embarrassing.
by james savik February 14, 2008
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1. noun: World Wide Network of loons, religious nuts, wackos, crazies, degenerates, deviants, sex addicts, paranoid shut-ins, retired pole-dancers, tea party activists, dope smokers, hash-heads, meth-freaks, dim-wits, democrats, lawyers, convicts, war criminals and sex offenders.

2. noun: A denizen of that community.

3. noun: An orgasm achieved while watching Internet porn.
1. President Obama said something vague and misleading and the INTERNUT is really jumping tonight.

2. Look out for the INTERNUTs. You know they are out there.

3. I walked in on my room-mate having an INTERNUT. Awkward.
by james savik October 30, 2010
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A professional athlete at the end of his career with declining skills takes up some libtarded cause and make a total jackass of himself like a drunk Tourettes victim. Then when he gets cut, he can blame the bigoted team or owners.
Colin Kaepernick appears to be using the Chris Kluwe Gambit.
by james savik August 9, 2020
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Military slang. A Dicker is a civilian who secretly works against the military by reporting their positions and providing intelligence to insurgents. They often use cell phones to spot for snipers, suicide bombers and command detonated IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices).
The local Dicker thought he was going to be smooth and line up our mess truck for a mortar attack. We moved it right after sunset and the empty parking lot took a dozen rounds of Russian 120.
by james savik July 4, 2022
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Academics who feel that anything found in the wikipedia is suspect because it wasn't written by a committe of fat-cat, overpaid, grant-hogging professors whose prusuit of pseudo science is endandering science funding everywhere.
Don: Don't cite the wikipedia in Dr. Patterson's class. He's such a wiki-snob that he will trash everything you have to say.

Ron: He's such a crappy teacher that the only way they can get anyone to sign up for his classes is to put "to be announced" on the instructor line of the schedule.
by james savik March 30, 2008
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