112 definitions by jaffaw

when you have something to eat and it's not satisfying you can describe as not touching the sides, can also be used to refer to a loose orifice
i was banging this girl and it just wasn't touching the sides
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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to go on ones vinegars means going for some me time with a definate orgasmic outcum
I can't come out tonight i'm on my vinegars.

I was being friendly with my partner and just as was coming into the final vinegars I....
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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a parent who uses a lot of apple products, in particular the iphone
What are you checking on now.

Tommy has just asked if we can go to the park and I want to check the crime rates and when it is open before we go.

wow iparent or what!!
by jaffaw February 12, 2010
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Cash for spending on hash
let's go and get some hash, cool, do you have any cashesh?
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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it is rare person who does so, but some people take a note of how many times they wank
Shit, my parents are coming and I haven't taken down my wank chart.
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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when something or someone feels sexy,
wooooaaw, i've got that sexual feeling,

literally when you have a hold of a vital piece of anatomy, you have a sexual feeling
by jaffaw July 14, 2009
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a deal that's not a good one,

when two tops meet and they make a deal on who's honorary bottom
so i give you 100 dollars and i get what, that's such a bum deal
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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