1 definition by jacopaco

A debilitating psychological condition which affects computer users everywhere. Update addiction has to do with the excessive downloading of software updates and should not be confused with an Updating Whore. You are likely an update addict if...

You click "Software Update..." (on Mac) or "Windows Update" (on Windows) more than three times a day.

You cannot resist buying the latest version of software or operating system -- even if you don't need, want, or even care to know about the new features.

You click "Check for updates" every time you run a program.

You stay up late watching the progress bar to make sure your latest update "really updated."

You get frustrated by stable software because it doesn't require updates every other day. So you always choose beta or nightly builds to ensure that you can download a maximum number of updates.
Dude: Dang! I just clicked Software Update, and it didn't find anything to update. What am I going to do???

Chick: (rolls eyes) Dunno man. Click it again?

Dude: Ok.

Chick: You need help. You have update addiction.

Dude: Ok, but before I go to the clinic, I need to go buy XYZSoft5. I only have XYZSoft4.
by jacopaco August 19, 2010
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