2 definitions by jackb784

Person: Brother of vP Momo and vP ReL. Internet sensation who is known for showing people how to take it 'eazzzyyyyyy' and drink too much Fosters. Biggest lad EU.
*vP James climbs out of window*
ReL: 'James, why are you doing push ups on the roof? It's 1 in the morning'.
James: 'What.'
ReL: 'It's 1 in the morning.'
James: 'Eazzzyyyy.'
by jackb784 August 22, 2012
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Verb: To be beaten very badly at something.
Andy: "I just took some kid to school on Black Ops, I beat him 30 - 2 in a 1v1."
Greg: "What a badkid."

Paul: "I got taken to school by some guy on MW3 last night. He got 21 kills in one game of search and destroy."
Dave: "Wow, he must be MLG."
by jackb784 August 13, 2012
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