1 definition by jack94117

A corporate electronics store that doesn’t care what electronics you buy, as long as you buy “extras” with it. No one in the company besides from the CEO's and the Investors have any kind of degree after high school, or if they do they won't stay there long because they can't stand all the bullshit propaganda.
Best Buy employee at register: Hi welcome to Best Buy. Will you be putting this purchase on you Best Buy Card today?
Customer: No.
Employee: Would you like to sign up for a Best Buy card today?
Customer: No thanks.
Employee: Do you have a Best Buy Rewards card?
Customer: No.
Employee: Would you like to sign up? It’s only $9.99 and for every $125 you spend…
Customer: No thanks.
Employee: Would you like to purchase an Extended Service Plan on this? If anything goes wrong in the next 4 years…
Customer: No.
Employee: Would you like to sign up for 4 free weeks of Sports Illustrated or Entertain…
Customer: No
Employee: Would you like to try Netflix free for 2…
Customer: NO.
Employee: Would you like to try a free trial of Rhapsody music service? It allows you to…
Customer: NO!
Employee: Your Purchase today enables you to get a free trial of an Internet Service Provider. We offer AOL, Net Zero…
Customer: NO GOD DAMNIT!
Employee: The cables that come with this are very low quality. I would recommend getting some Monster Cables. They’re only 69.99 and will greatly increase sound and picture quality.
Employee: Would you like any extra batteries to go with your remote?
Customer: FUCK YOU!
Employee: On the bottom of your receipt there’s a survey and if you do it you will be put in a drawing to win a $500 Best Buy gift card.
by jack94117 March 2, 2006
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