320 definitions by jack

First of all, 12 year olds like the kid above me make us look bad, (trust me, he's an exception to the rule). Virginia contains a wealth of history, especially in the eastern part of the state. In Norfolk we house the largest naval base in the world, which unfortunately, makes us the biggest nuclear strike target in the world. The military is the key economic factor in the eastern part of the state. They've tried to clean up the resort area in VA Beach, with limited success. "Decent" surf is brought to our shores in the winter time, stomach-chest high on a good day. I wouldn't recommend going past Richmond unless you'll be staying on the interstate, God only knows what goes on there. In summary, it's a hell of a lot better than Indiana.
Contrary to popular belief, Virginia is not pronounced like "vagina."
by jack June 21, 2004
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An elite graphics artist in whom must be asian and 6'4 in height.
by jack February 4, 2004
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A slang word for when a person suffer an insult that made her extremely humiliated.
Jack says: Man you are so dumb, how come you put your shorts on the refrigerator.
John says: That one stings jack.
by jack April 12, 2005
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