6 definitions by j-lingo

In technology or telecommunications companies, the first level of technical support. Called idiots because they typically have no idea how things work and are just reading off a script.
Called Comcast because my DVR wouldn't power on. Their idiot layer said I needed to reboot it.
by j-lingo January 8, 2015
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Laughing so hard that you lose all restraint and laugh like a muppet, tossing your head up and down and either rubbing your belly or flailing your arms.
Nick's fart was so loud I couldn't help but do a muppet laugh.
by j-lingo October 29, 2009
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What Would Wall Street Do? In other words, money talks.
Cletus thought his job at the air conditioner factory wouldn't be outsourced to Mexico because he voted for Donald Trump. But WWWSD?
by j-lingo September 8, 2017
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A funny name for longneck clams, which live under the sand and squirt up water when you step near them.
I want to join up with Jim and walk up and down the beach, and step on piss clams.
by j-lingo August 31, 2010
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Deflecting mean-spirited or judgmental opinions by providing a disingenuous or superficial compliment.

Similar to a complimentary facial, except used as a means of escape from an awkward situation rather than to insult.
J: That new girl is such a geek.
M: Oh shit, she's coming over here.
J: Hey Gina...uhhh I like ur braces!
M: You tinged that quite nicely.
by j-lingo August 6, 2009
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On match.com, when a person responds to a wink with another wink, thus forcing the original person to send the first e-mail. Usually done by girls, so as not to appear desperate.
When John got a winkback from the cute tall girl who liked art shows, he was happy for the mutual interest, but felt like a complete idiot for not just e-mailing her in the first place.
by j-lingo November 19, 2009
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