394 definitions by j

A racial slur used to decribe a person in the Middle East
Stupid dune coons got shot by the US Army.
by j May 14, 2003
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A derogatory term used to classify people who are poor or dress poorly. Also can be used to call someone who acts like a low life. The term probably originated from poor people wearing rags.

The term seems to be used solely by New Englanders.
by j October 15, 2006
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play or a source of play
Yo man, did you get any buns from that girl last night?
by j September 6, 2003
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A sexual position when the male is receiving felatio and the male ties the female's hair around the back of hsi buttocks
Yo man, that fat chick loves playing Cuban Prisoner
by j May 7, 2004
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To speak freely in an inappropriate situation. Rarely found in dictionaries.
The interview for the teaching position at the girls' high school was not the place for Paul to exeleutherostomize.
by j April 18, 2005
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Any male from the North of England who is dull witted and probably works down a mine.
"Hull is full of northern monkeys"
by j March 28, 2003
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A potato show is when you put your balls on your buddy's face when he's passed out at a party.
Dude look at Steve, go give him a potato show
by j March 1, 2005
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