1 definition by ixp

A woman who absolutely takes your breath away. She is able to brighten up the room the second she walks in. People adore her the second they meet her due to her astonishing personality, talent, and humor. She might often deny how cute she is, but people know it is true. She causes your walls to crumble, makes you feel like you are on top of the world, and accepts you as you are. She is constantly there to motivate you when you need to get back on track and reach your goals. Her voice automatically can put a smile on your face even in the darkest times. She is strong when the toughest times creep up on her, and keeps her head up high. She is miraculous in every way, and touches multiple people's lives.
"Daymnnn, she's foinnee."
"No, she's Shantelle. ;)"
by ixp August 29, 2009
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