6 definitions by inspire_d

an unspoken rule that whatever happens on a roadtrip is not repeated to anyone except those involved in the roadtrip.
Marc could not tell Paul's wife what happened on the way to New York because of the code of the road.
by inspire_d March 3, 2004
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something that is inappropriate to talk about in the presence of those who were not involved.

Synonymous with code of the road, a phrase used to limit those who shared an experience to talking about it amongst themselves and not to others.
"Remember, what happens on this batchelor party is Vietnam"

or if someone says something breaking the code of the road

"DUDE! That's Vietnam man!!"
by inspire_d March 3, 2004
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a rule stating that if you are more than 3 rivers away from the person you are dating then all faithfulness to your significant other is null and void. Synonymous with 50 mile rule.
Joe did not feel bad about cheating on his girlfriend because he knew he was covered under the 3 river rule.
by inspire_d March 12, 2004
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defines something that happens automatically but you can't quite explain how it happens or the explanation is too complex.

Also, can be used as "automagically".
Babies are created automagically.
Airplanes fly automagically.
by inspire_d March 3, 2004
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Grep is a UNIX/LINUX utility that searches the named input FILE/s for lines containing a match to the
given PATTERN.
dmesg | grep -i 'usb'

here the dmesg command is piped through grep to extract any patterned data matching 'usb'. The -i switch is used to tell grep to ignore the case of the letters 'usb'.
by inspire_d March 3, 2004
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a rule stating that if you are more than 50 miles away from the person you are dating then all faithfulness to your significant other is null and void. Similar to out of sight out of mind.
Sally said she was enacting the 50 mile rule when she went home with random far away bar guy.
by inspire_d March 12, 2004
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