11 definitions by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme

My home state. 3 days ago it was around 55F now its 15F. in the winter the weather is like northern greenland, in the summer the weather is like southern australia. we only get 3 months of summer so its pretty cold here.

Bad. shitty as hell government, bad winter weather, ALOT of crime, one day it could be 70F the next -20F, no jobs.

Good. Best hunting in the usa, low gas prices, low jerkey prices pretty much anything you can buy anywhere else for 20 bucks you can get here for 5.
It's cold

It's affordable

It's michigan
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 8, 2006
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A type of clothing brand along with abercrombie, aeropostale, and hollister that you are required to wear to even survive middle and high school.
Lisa: liek omg look at that boy wearing a nike shirt!

Brittany: omg i cant believe it! he's such a loser! lets go make fun of him for not wearing preppy cloths.

American eagle
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 3, 2006
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A game that no matter how many times ea releases patches for it, it's still fucked up.
I have a nvidia geforce 6800XT and STILL get choppy graphics and lag Thats battlefield 2's patches for yah!
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 1, 2006
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one of the stupideszt sayings ever.
bob: omg i shit my pantz

John: lmao that's the way the cookie crumbles

bob: stfu fag.
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 19, 2006
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A common sentance used when two people get pissed at each other on CB radios.
Bravo999: hey Shotgun you wanna take that shit to the truck stop?

Shotgun: nah your not worth it

Bravo999: fine then im gonna park in your driveway

Shotgun: no im really just an 8 year old kid.

Bravo999: you shouldent have started this shit boy

Shotgun: I'm telling my daddy! *Goes off crying*
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 2, 2006
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A internet/tv provider that costs $19.95....for the first five months that is. after that it costs aroung $85. it has 800+ channels, though like 200 of theme are spanish, and another 50 or so has the same exact thing on as the channel below or beneth it. the internet price is worth it if you are a seroius gamer who wants no lag. it feature a terrible collection of free movies that you've most likesly never heard of. the good movies cost like $5.00 to see.
If you get comcast, prepare to drop alot of money.....
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 1, 2006
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The only pro skater whos shoes actually give you enough grip to do a halfcab impossible
Go ahead...buy a differant shoe...will see how long it takes you to do that...ok but for real go buy some arto saari ones because the twos arent as good
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