142 definitions by illinoishorrorman

Intense laughter where it sometimes borderlines evil laughter when a black comedy laced retort ensues. Noted when my blog zings factions of the industry as they don't know whether to laugh or be pissed.
Jenna's tweet about Playboy with their choice being a Science Project.

The rest of peanut gallery on twitter were trying to gangup

me, "As a straight man, uh Playboy have you seen either Sleepaway Camp or The Crying Game"
Another, "That's so stupid most of all *NOT FUNNY*"
There were a bunch of howls ensuing when they realize the hindsight as a collective "oh shit" was invoked when I started tagging the science project from TLC after they ganged up on Dillard over his tweet as I became more scientific with the debunking. And they thought they were pissed at Jenna's retort they should had seen my bukkake party crack on blogspot.
by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018
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This is something when someone who is non-Mediterranean trying to do what Rachel Dozal or the actor who played Charlie Chan did when they were trying to mimic someone who is either Greek, Portuguese, Spaniard or Italian descent. This is the worst kind equal to the term blackface, it's more common than one thinks when even in audio when they try to get someone to sound Italian when they don't have the last name or dialect. This one is the worst thing to call an Italian who is White Bread Wop. They don't even want to acknowledge they are Latin Europe ancestry.
This is an uncommon one but the blog entry that addressed race liar Rachel Dozal asked the question, "How does one who is not Latin Europe ethnic pass off as Mediterranean Europe descent? " The practice known as Whitewashing Hollywood is known to have non-ethnic actors playing ethnic rolls -- Yellowface, Blackface, Brownface and olivefacing. Olive Face is mimicking the olive complexion of South Italy.
by illinoishorrorman April 16, 2020
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Someone who had never been exposed to double homicide or prison language.

Extremely funny responses when some ask that's in first grade no less, "Mommy what is sliming?"

The mother having been a member of a Baptist church looked up the term and blushed. My friends from College Church were trying to get me employ "Utah Profanity" when they heard me utter the word "shit" as a church mate from Assemblies of God heard me drop "Fuck" after my factory accident where the left index finger was mutilated.

An interview a former church mate from the 1994-1996 era did an interview that he for the first time was uncensored where I ribbed on the then vocalist, "you really don't need to watch your language around me. If you want to go for broke, go ahead let the f-bomb fly." I said this smiling when I did my blog, "I relate to a Christian who does swear than one who never uttered an explicit term."

The term some say has origins in Glenbard East when I did the Italian counterpart to fucker as a teacher heard me say this and understood Italian *whoops*
A Utah resident walking around Glendale Heights and telling a smart-ass to "shut the front door."
"Hey Vertical Smile, this is the fucking mid-1990s. Where the hell did you borrow your language from. The character from Hi Honey I'm Home. You're in Glendale Heights where discussions are candid about ghosts being made because the impaling of a hallowpoint"

The Utah resident dropped his jaw as he never heard the word twat referred in a colorful way, "What the..... my Virgin Ears had been brutally violated."

He continues, "Oh flip, this one produced the true crime yarn The Cabbie Homicide. Wait a sec, he's connected to Assemblies of God?!? " Seeing his website, "He's a Christian and he writes like this?!?!"
by illinoishorrorman February 14, 2018
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In small press publishing that's code:

No erotic content, but other than that NO HOLDS BARRED
The Ethereal Gazette was noted for it's STRICT house rules rivaling the mentality of the Duggar household but aspects that differ as he defined to another who was doing anthologies, another editor knew the rules he coined -- other publishing imprints know this as Prison City Rules. No erotic content but no holds barred. Rule out sexual content but time the swearing, go for subject matter that's ideologically sensitive and able to address social issues when pulling this off. The Issue Five roster embodied the Prison City Rules approach.
by illinoishorrorman May 23, 2018
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An fraud who goes under the guise of blackface to get sympathy of the community they claim to represent, as the one from Spokane, Washington was outed as really being Czech. Her linkedin account was discovered as the wordpress blog "Lying Bastards All Around" addressed what she did. A race liar is another form of a fabulist on a journalistic level as they draw from alternate history to give themselves a biography where they lie about their real ethnicity.
The media hounds were having a field day with Rachel Dolezal as they caught her as a race liar. She can't even find a job working in porn as Wikipedia reported on this -- do a Bing.com search Wordpress: Lying Bastards All Around and one will find the biting investigative blog entry. It's a light grey blog with a red side panel. The commentary before the blog entry starts has a link to a photo on her facebook; trolling ensues.
by illinoishorrorman January 15, 2018
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The act of stealing in the written word. The worst crime in terms of copyright infringement.
Blogger Lewis Unknown and some others have repeatedly plagiairized works of a small press author from Illinois, he'd pass his plagiarism after plagiarism off as the original creations. David Boyer did an act of plagiarism author Ferrel Moore for a submission that was recommended for a Bram Stoker Award.
by illinoishorrorman November 4, 2010
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In 2010, a best selling author and artist gave back to the literary community in a huge way -- the program and websites one needs some tech to compete with Lulu.com and CreateSpace effectively, An Eye In Shadows and The Ethereal Gazette: Issue Five are housed there now but here are others who came from the circles who noticed how the latter is the most potent, the sections of Creative Nonfiction and Horror overlap quite often. Family owned outfit out of Scottsdale, AZ, where the reviews on trustpilot can't go wrong.
Victor who was a former Case officer of The Mussad developed TheBookPatch.com, when one sees his artwork you will see why authors come aboard from being fired by Creeger and by Questionable Content on Lulu.com. It's a surprise why Angie Hoy hasn't done an article on them if they're that down to earth some of the remarks via e-mail can be a little snarky -- they're authors after all.

The publisher who did The Ethereal Gazette: Issue Five proved he was the master anthologist from Lulu.com who developed The Worm Construction a method where it was pdf separately uploaded them merged, then discovered docupub and split and merge basic to stick it to both Lulu.com and CreateSpace over the lie they were the only players.
by illinoishorrorman October 23, 2018
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