142 definitions by illinoishorrorman

Rational Wiki coined this one to Eric Hovind.

1.) If you preach that human and dinosaur coexisted then you're a fucking idiot.

2.) Someone who attended Jackson Hole Bible College

3.) A student from the Independent Baptist college system as they were revealed to be snake oil salesman.

4.) a home-schooller who cites "Dr." Kent Hovind as an educator and pulls a scripture barrage from the King James Version when they were refuted by a theistic evolutionist without spouting every other word and using their own blog articles as well as writings from the observations they made when science points out a much older earth. When Pat Robertson made the remark, "let's not make a joke of ourselves as there's no way the earth is 6000 years old."
Someone who saw my exchange on Creation "Science" Evangelism and pulling out the 2007 era photograph, "A Philosophy minor from College of DuPage who was a college dropout outsmarted the Uneducated Huckster on the huckster's own page. What's funny is he didn't cuss but invoked a response of getting invited to a Facebook Block Party -- then he decided to take it to the parent site where he unleashed a barrage of barbs some explicit as Utah would been covering their eyes over some of them. The comments on the pictures -- oh shit I don't even want that dark mental image in my mind as he did a Black Comedy laced retort using dark allegory showing what the reality of Noah's Floating Zoo really looks like. Hovind pulls the 2 + 2 = 4 response he invoked Orwell with 2 + 2 = 5"
by illinoishorrorman January 21, 2018
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WritersCafe.org is a website which is the myspace for writers as it has a wide array of writers ranging from horror and urban fantasy to other forms; the demographic is usually mid-to-late teens but sometimes you see a few who appeared in their late 20s into 50s. It's noted for bringing family_saga and metafiction into the public eye. Recently the expose of Kealan Patrick Burke appeared as it was pulled from Wattpad because one of the subjects were not pleased -- the piece in question is called "Boycotting Truth."
WritersCafe is a curiosity in some ways when you see writers who emerge from there. Most noted was introduced in an anthology where the editor's name is in the title designed for the editor's own short story that was published in the UK as the title of the story that emerged from WritersCafe is titled "Scarlet Frost." The editor of that anthology is responsible for The Cabbie Homicide.
by illinoishorrorman January 14, 2018
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Five year memoir of the publisher and author behind the true crime outing The Cabbie Homicide, a darker glimpse at how he was bullied and seen misinformation used as an act of bullying. One of his then future contributors who got picked up by Black Sheets Books coined this book his version of The Chocolate War as his namesake anthologies were a direct result.

The book is now with TheBookPatch as it appeared in one form on Lulu.com, Fandom_Wank tried to coin the book glorified fanfiction but he was using horror allegory borrowed from Are You Afraid Of The Dark and played up some of his biting humor from The Fandom Writer. The book was the equal to what Forbes did when they took down fabulist Stephen Glass, as the author seen the film and found the articles -- mindset was doing the same thing on the Fandom_Wank blog to the author. He proved he could be a little funny but was handling subject matter that crossed the line twice as he related some of the crime that unfolded as Chicago Tribune reported on it in the era (one of the jokes he implied to the bully that he gave anal to his own mother.) It's noted for a macabre version of The Aristrocrats joke. Some noted for it's investigative commentary on the true crime pieces from the period as he deconstructed the events of his original creative nonfiction outing along with pundit traits.
Fandom_Wank: remember that psycho who went at us?
other blogger: The fucker who plagiarized Poe?
Fandom_Wank: Shit -- he took one of us out in print!
mindset: which one of us?
Fandom_Wank: He took direct aim at you. Pointing out how you bore false witness. Even went and published your name in the thing and was pulling a Rod Serling on you as he picked you apart without being Anti-Semitic.

The Rusty Nail: An Eye In Shadows -- I am going to post the entire thing on my blog chronicling his every fail.

Comments from The Other Dark Place: Let's put all these comments together and assemble a counter book to this book he's writing.
by illinoishorrorman February 13, 2018
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A shitty gossip blog that invades the privacy of writers in the small press. Goes around violating the privacy of writers on facebook by making their private facebook postings public. One of the many shit bloggers out there thinking they're famous because they hammer on people who don't deserve it.
The Rusty Nail emerged when she decided to stalk a certain author's Xanga blog, she got five of the writers blogs pulled when the writer had a video blog revealing who she is.
by illinoishorrorman November 4, 2010
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Some claim that this is known as a domestic goddess version of tumblr but it's a useful tool for those who are in investigative journalism and are noted for writing creative nonfiction. It's handy when doing research and able to pin subject's photos and their own blog entries after they get freight-trained or handed a journalistic kapow; it's useful for fact checking as it gives a visual aid for those who do a CBSNews or FoxNewsChannel form of investigative journalism as a hobby on Wordpress and tumblr. It's a fun plaything for pundits. It's easy something to piss off those who use twitter. They have a certain limit for one's commentary on the pins or when uploads their own as they can put a url behind the link. Some pinterest pins on profiles might turn a few heads; though Friday the 13th alumn Lar Park Linkin with her pins shows she's a bit lighter and softer than other horror alumni. Heather Langenkamp is known for the twitter tag #specialplaceinhell as The Cabbie Homicide writer also used this tag and #rightsideofhistory when speaking up for science from a Christian and Conservative perspective as he's a theistic evolutionist who engaged the son of Dr. Dino.
The Cabbie Homicide writer really employs pinterest for his fact checking? Wait how many pins does he have on the fact checking board? oh shit he's really detailed in his findings. He uses the fact checking pins to pound on pedophiles and criminals as he pinned the article where the cop taunted a shooter with K-Y jelly in the courtroom.
by illinoishorrorman January 16, 2018
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Heavy Metal band from Chicago in the vein of BlackSabbath been around since 1979 as the long standing members did an offshoot act based on their album The Skull. Their sound is wide ranging from Christian tinged lyrics to Psychedelic poetics. Psalm 9/The Skull are two of their haymakers and Plastic Green Head is equally respected.
If you're in Chicago and you listen to heavy metal it's a good chance you might have one or two Trouble albums if your collection. That's if you can find them.
by illinoishorrorman August 2, 2015
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One of the most writer un-friendly websites out there. Designed for talking trash. The thought police will block you if you make remarks that are beyond hostile or touch a nerve that goes into the realm of slamming pedophiles as Jared Fogle and Ian Watkins of Lostprophets were on the receiving end of a hashtag reaming.
I've seen what Darren McKeeman pulled after he was fired from Gothic.net, still enraged that his photo in a tux was used as urinal cake and photographed the aftermath. He up and created a fake twitter account of me and seen other fake accounts pop up as well.
by illinoishorrorman January 16, 2018
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