142 definitions by illinoishorrorman

Pseudo-journalistic troll website where they faithfully follow the fannish fabulist The Rusty Nail aka the assumed name of Russel Nayle on Associated Content and on Christine Morgan's so called projects that lifted my first science fiction outing. They reported some on Lostprophets lead singer convicted of baby-fuck. They're not too fond of me going back to the days of LJDrama as I took aim at them in An Eye In Shadows though this current incarnation of the piece of shit turned on it's creator, Sherrod DeGrippo aka Sherrod DeHippo to those who caught the libel queen in the act.

They lifted my then Xanga blog at the time as they were updated as I laid into my former boss when they kicked me off as I got my full catalog back at the time An Eye In Shadows fires into them as I fired into Mindset of Fandom Wank as they got their sources from this website. In the piece Bully: A Study I point out that S. E. Cox got her sources from the fucks at Fandom Wank. They're tabloid journalistic rejects who don't do their fucking homework as many in the industry took aim at me based on the information this bullshit website provided as one of the admins of Vampirefreaks also took aim at them.
I thought they were rough on me; Goddamn the pseudojournalists at Encyclopedia Dramatica took collective aim at Ian Watkins of Lostprophets as my friends from Novembers Doom had a priceless hashtag when Blabbermouth reported on them via facebook.
by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018
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See Globalist Shill and pseudojournalistic donut-puncher. Reality TV host with no journalistic training who like the writer of The Cabbie Homicide had got in the field and developed a form of journalism but the writer of Cabbie is the Conservative example. He had some college but learned from his roster where three wrote for newspapers and another later The Huffington Post before running for office in Maine as he established his current incarnation of wordpress and got on tumblr he gives in depth insight about publications he's done and takes the readers further into the published work by finding the articles from the era.
Anderson Cooper had been a hatedom to those in underground subcultures since picking on Dave Mustaine and William Patrick Corgan. When Corgan let Cooper have it with globalist shill the media had a field day with Anderson Cooper.
by illinoishorrorman January 16, 2018
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