142 definitions by illinoishorrorman

When you find out one of the recent Playboy model is the reminder of the ending from Sleepaway Camp.
Did someone just send me a drawing of a man birthing an infant coming out of his hairy ass? Quick find me the fucking brain bleach as that's beyond sick as it's up there with the news story about Genetic Attraction.
by illinoishorrorman January 19, 2018
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A creative nonfiction writer's term for those who are fanfiction writers who get celebrated and urinate on those in original fiction trying to gain a readership or those who had introduced creative nonfiction to indie publications. It's up there with busting a fabulist or authors who get their journalistic sources from Fandom_Wank.
The Queen of Gargoyle Fanfic had been producing illicit lit since the mid-1990s. Along with her peetards shit on a piece that made waves since 2002 that's the creative nonfiction successor to The Tell-Tale Heart.
by illinoishorrorman January 15, 2018
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The quickest thing to piss of a Jello Eating Bunny aka Latter Day Saint is make a really degrading joke about their temple undergarments or call The Book of Mormon alternate history fanfiction of the King James Version of the Bible. Also imply that Joseph Smith was a womanizing con man who married his women to keep his sex life in check. They really hate when one attributes their doctrine to rodents copulating (as this one is a favorite barb.) There's my critic of religion status confirmed.
"I don't believe that my boxer briefs are magical, as in you mean to tell me you never cut a greasy fart in those magic underwear and leave a skidmark." My retort when I caught the webmaster mocking my most personal project as an editor as the cover was the second time I saw fan-art -- the artist was my breakout from Issue 3 and came to Issue Five as he was the cover artist for the first time.

My enraged comment came when I learned a blogtroll decided to send the cover to the webmaster as he took aim at it; I had seen very strong covers over the years as a lot of my own projects came from my photography output. His response after seeing the barrage of Magic Underwear Jokes combined with double homicide whamlines, "Hey, I’ve got an idea! How about we DON’T refer to other people’s religious beliefs in the most degrading way possible, and instead behave like civilized beings, not total dickwads, okay? It’s called “civilization.” You may have heard of it." The response was on par to Deva's "yer taking to care bears' retort on twitter.
by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018
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The explicit retort a Mormon uses when you make fun of their magic underwear; they're better known for borrowing pseudo-profanity from the 1950s and 1960s television language from the era. Utah introduced the term "Shut The Front Door" as they still have virgin ears as they not allowed to watch Full Metal Jacket as that's the movie that introduced double homicide laced insults spouted at rapid-fire barrage from R. Lee Emery.

I heard the barrage from Petty Officer Nasty as we called her Diesel-breath when she was not in ear shot. The LDS blogger making fun of my most personal project saw his wife getting the receiving end of a misfired f-bomb. TVTropes notes that profanity to LDS is Gosh Darn Dang It To Heck aka Tastes like Diabetes. An LDS if seen The Cabbie Homicide paired with the Morbid Angel midi would have instant nightmare fuel between the two.
The LDS Blogger engaging in a LiveJournal style gang up.

The others were taking turns as they saw the double homicide retorts.
Then the magic underwear joke appears where implies he has a skidmark after cutting a greasy fart.
"How about we NOT refer to someone's beliefs in such a degrading way, it's called being civilized not act like total a total dickwad. I had enough of this as I am locking the comments as this is as much fun as watching the Disney Channel musical with my fingernails getting pulled out."

The Cabbie Homicide author was trying to keep a straight face because he got a Jello Eating Bunny using real profanity at him. He jokes on Google+ "that's on par with the verbal sparring match with Pug as he retorted with 'Eat my pussy asswipe' as Dagstine on a facebook chat said, "I can't believe you just pointed out how could he be a devote Latter Day Saint and a donut-puncher." He laughed even harder, "I should had pointed out The Book of Mormon was King James Bible fanfiction that was pseudohistory about Ancient North America when the truth that shows Kennewick Man."
by illinoishorrorman January 19, 2018
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when someone copulates with their own blood relatives. In the states it's relatively sick. It's when some dude bangs their own relative.
Some time in the early 2000s, a mother and a son appeared on The Jerry Springer Show saying they were in love with each other, but in truth they were committing the sick act of incest. They wanted to have a baby together, and the crowd chanted "three headed baby, three headed baby, three headed baby."

The conclusion of that one was that the mother and son are motherfucking freaks. Who'd fuck their own mother? Can you imagine what their fuck child would look like -- *shudder*

It's like when a brother and sister are bumping uglies then the sister gets knocked up. They don't know what the fuck to call their kid (son/nephew or mother/aunt)
by illinoishorrorman December 26, 2011
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When you nail a fictional author who wrote with high fantasy tropes and gets celebrated but the one who gets shunned gets pissed on for writing something much harder in the same era. It's the thing that would invoke a flamewar. Kealan Patrick Burke and Christine Morgan had been the subject of the journalistic kapow, the more hardcore term is getting freight-trained.
Author Kealan Patrick Burke flies off the handle when he was delivered a journalistic kapow from an author who appeared on a defunct e-zine he also appeared on two years later. A known fanfiction.net writer of 100 fanfics celebrates him. While the author who gets urinated on wrote a true crime piece that played up like The Tell-Tale Heart with stronger language as it was introduced on AuthorsDen, ThoughtCafe and FictionPress a year later. "Why don't you ask Bram the Talking Wonder Dog about The Cabbie Homicide."
by illinoishorrorman February 10, 2018
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Hot dog joint in Chicago known for the mutual double homicide combat between patrons and employees. I had gone there in 2012 and held my own with with the barbs as Poochie didn't cuss that day -- the CBS show The Great Indoors had a character brought in there unknowingly aware of the mutual woof ticket profanity thrown at each other as Poochie herself appeared on the episode (that would got past the censors if they had the real Poochie.)

If you're from Utah you might have your virgin ears reamed. What ever you do, for the love of God don't fucking ask for a Chocolate Shake and don't put ketchup on a hot dog in eye shot. If you don't believe me about the attitude; look up their twitter as they have the staff giving the bird.
Rockaway, New Jersey tourist in Chicago, "Where is somewhere around here to eat?"
Local -- if you can handle the mutual double homicide combat there's a hot dog joint called Weiner's Circle
Rockaway Tourist, "Okay I will check it out."
Walking in and orders a hot dog, then someone in the line orders a chocolate shake.

The tourist wishing she had some brain bleach as she heard them insult her with reference to a Nuclear Power Plant reference.
by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018
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