55 definitions by illEATurHARTout

A system that links together electronic office equipment, such as computers and word processors, and forms a network within an office or building.
Most colleges are on a LAN.
by illEATurHARTout April 12, 2004
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A kind of HTML file containing server-specific, non-standard commands which are interpreted by the HTTP server and replaced by standard HTML or text before the data is returned to the client.

Different servers use different command syntax and support different sets of commands. The most common example is a server-side include command which simply expands to the contents of some given file and allows bits of HTML or text to be shared between pages for ease of updating. Other commands insert the value of an environment variable or the output of a shell command. These allow pages to be different each time they are served without requiring a CGI script.

Some servers distinguish SPML from HTML with a different filename extension, others use the execute bit of the file's permissions.
SHTML, an offshoot of HTML, is server-parsed HTML.
by illEATurHARTout April 3, 2004
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Did you know Mara has Pnigophobia? That's why she always eats so slowly.
by illEATurHARTout April 20, 2004
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purevolume.com is the place for rising artists to promote their music and for everyone else to come and listen. The basic artist membership is free. PurePLUS Memberships with advanced features can be purchased for one month, six months, or a year at a time.
Dude, I just found this sick band on pureVOLUME! You should check them out!
by illEATurHARTout March 26, 2004
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The reverse side of a phonograph record, especially a single.
How many songs are you planning to record and will all of them go on the album or will some be used as b-sides?
by illEATurHARTout May 20, 2004
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The capital of Texas, in the south-central part of the state. Austin was selected as the capital of the Republic of Texas in 1839 and became the permanent capital of the state of Texas in 1870. The main campus of the University of Texas (established 1881) is here.
Person 1: Hey, did you know Austin is the capital of Texas?
Person 2: Naw man, I suck at names!
by illEATurHARTout March 26, 2004
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1. not effective: with no useful result or practical purpose"
2. worthless: with little or no value
3. lazy: unwilling or uninterested in working or being active (archaic)
Will e-mail render traditional letter writing otiose? Let's hope not.
by illEATurHARTout March 23, 2004
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